
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

okay 2012, let’s do this. (plus some thoughts)

how about a quick roundup of everything some of the things that happened here at googiemomma last year? (click on the link or the photo to go right to the post)


we started off with a bang. the girls’ bunk room—far and away the most viewed post here. ever.


it’s been one year, and i’m still getting requests for info/plans on those beds. i need to get the room cleaned up—momma clean ifyaknowwhati’msayin’—and do an update with all the info i have.

also in january?

i reinvented the pinwheel with the pinwheel dress:

pinwheel dress_7991

brought a little southern charm north with my gone with the wind dress:


tried my hand at some roaring 20’s jazz dress and cloche making:


and dressed my girls all alike so they’d be easy to track in a crowd:


(look how tiny elliot is!)


february brought a leather knitting bag for a friend:


with a tutorial for the needle & hook organizer:


(okay so that happened in march, but it flows better here…)

and a foxy little number for ms. gigi:



march was tough. we began with casting for ava.

Annnd...another cast. NBD.

it seems to have become our springtime routine. (looks like she’ll be casted again this april. that was the decision at her checkup 2 weeks ago—wait until the snow and slush are done with and we’ll cast in the spring)

then i did some artwork for the boy’s room:


and i got to be a part of YARN IT ALL with kim at bugaboo, mini, mr and me!


sharing my first ever crochet pattern for an infinity scarf!



april was crazy town. i did sew-vivor! and it was AWESOME. i pumped out a bunch of fun projects before i was kicked off the island.








may brought a lovely vintage dress for guinevere, and a reminder of WHY I HATE COMMERCIAL PATTERNS SO VERY, VERY MUCH:

vintage dress (neve) 014

a repost of my submission for see kate sew’s RUFFLES2012 event—a ruffled dress for ava.


a hand-painted wall mural for a friend’s princess:


another sew-along submission for project run & play (one day…one day…) was ava’s alice in wonderland dress:


and a plaid jumper for elliot:


phew! may was busy!


i started with a lettuce edge hem tutorial:


and jumped into my sewing for “the girls” series:


and rounded out the month as a “sewlebrity” with my obi dress for ava:

obi dress-36-1

after a crazy may and june, i took


a little slower.

the main thing i shared was this little quilt i did for elliot’s crib:



august got cray again.

we had guinevere’s sweater-to-cardi upcycle:

vintage dress (neve) 007

and take 2 on vintage-inspired dress sewing for her:


my simple shirred sundress tute:


then i tried to take photos of all five of my children. together. at once. in matching outfits. (told ya august was cray. i can only blame the heat)


we squeezed in a week of NO ELECTRONICS (eek!), and rounded out the month with a night owl party and 13 stuffed owls:



started with an awesome & easy back-to-school knit skirt:


and i contributed a rapunzel to the train to crazy’s handmade costume series:


i solved my curtain troubles with grommeted drapes for the dining room:


and then covered elli’s butt in cotton balls with my bunny dress:



i was a pattern tester for melly sews, making the pristine swing dress:


and the only thing i accomplished during kid’s clothes week—prison jams for ell:


i also began my love affair with the jumper, sewing up ell’s whale jumper:

whale jumper-17


found me pattern testing again, this time the big bow dress from one little minute:


finally finishing another pr&p dress—the fall colored bias dress:


and sharing my very first large scale crochet project, ell’s dress:



a quiet month, posting-wise. but i can’t even begin to explain the depths of my love for these overalls:





i ended my blogging for 2012 on a bit of a downer. it wasn’t my intention. the last post i wrote was about what a rough week it had been. little did i know that the very next morning would bring news of the shooting in connecticut. it was a like a gut punch knocking all the wind out of you. my blogging ambition and desire took a big back seat to just spending the vacation days with my kiddos and family.

i wrote a post about the events in newtown, ct. many times in my head. i just never felt the drive to actually get it all out on paper/screen/keyboard.

so many tears over the week. i cried at home, watching tv. i cried in the gym on the elliptical—one of the tv’s was playing photos of all their little faces and i couldn’t tear my eyes away. ugly sweat and tears mixed, and i looked around furtively to see if i was the only one paying attention to that particular screen. i couldn’t stop.

i read articles about them. one article started out that “he loved super mario brothers and legos” and that was as far as i made it. because that? that’s MY son. that’s MY boy who loves mario and legos. and my boy is safe in his bed but that mommy’s son ISN’T.

do you remember the movie "what about bob?” do you remember how bob was a hypochondriac—but deep down the root of the issue was that he thought if he pretended like he had the diseases then he wouldn’t get them?

i call it my “what about bob? syndrome”. in the dark of night i read articles about babies lost and children with cancer and cry and cry and cry. healthy? nope. not at all. am i alone? nope. not at all.

maybe if i read this it’s not going to happen to me. to my babies. come on. tell me that’s not lurking in the recesses of your mind. i think maybe we all have a little bit of the what about bob syndrome.

my heart and prayers go to those affected by the events in newtown. lives are forever changed, and hearts are broken. but i pray for their peace.


2013 is here now. a bright fresh start and new year. and i have projects stacked up and ready to be shared.

okay 2013, let’s do this.


  1. hugs to you. i think all of us mamas of little ones were hit right in the gut with the Newtown news...i couldn't turn my mind off from imagining it being my daughter in her school too. thanks for your words here. and i loved your sewing/creating in 2012; you've got such talent! hope to see you compete in a future PR&P for sure!

    1. thanks kristin! i've never done a year-end project was quite satisfying to see what i've done all clumped together like this.

  2. Loved your post. I have never admitted to anyone that I have those thoughts. It seems morbid to me to play what if...sort of like tempting fate. But God knows that I think them, so it must be human nature. I just don't dare say them out loud. Here's to a peace filled new year with lots of crafty goodness.

  3. What an incredible year of making! I am off to check out some of those posts. So many gorgeous projects! Can I just say how monumentally talented I think you are?

  4. so many crafts! so many kids! and ALLL so beautiful

  5. Thanks for sharing. Will be making at least three of them. Only started following your blog mid year, so haven't seen most projects.
    All these with five children. Well done. The girls sharing one room, great idea, it will bring them close and even teach to tolerate others outside the home. Thanks again.


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