i really should have learned by now. it’s not that difficult—when you’re making something like this, just cut out 2. sew them both at the same time.
then, when you gift the one, you still have one for yourself. so that way, instead of keeping your knitting needles and crochet hooks ummmm…well, laying pretty much where ever you were last using them, and “away” is usually in the bottom of your diaper bag—they actually have a home.
but i’m not smart like that. maybe you are?
i’m also not smart enough to cage my babies before trying to take pictures of a project.
there’s no sewing or picture taking without helpers.
okay--on to the main event…
this bad boy is easily customizable. you can make it a little wider and sew in more channels to fit more knitting needles.
the vinyl pocket on the other side is perfect for containing all your miscellaneous supplies—markers, tape measure, other things used by people who really know what they’re doing (unlike me).
let’s begin, shall we?
there are two additional pieces you need that are not in this photo:
1 piece 8” x 11” and 1 piece 6.5” x 11”
these are your actual pockets for the knitting needles and crochet hooks. i made them from the same striped fabric, you can use a contrast fabric if you’d like.
construction is fairly simple. this goes together like a book—the two outer halves get sewn together and the two inner halves get sewn together. then you attach them like you’re making a pillow.
first let’s make the two inner halves.
first you’re going to take your two additional pieces (the ones i didn’t have in the “supplies” photo) and fold over and top stitch one of the long edges on each piece. this is the top of your pocket, as you can see in the next photo.
there’s the inside of your organizer done. that wasn’t too hard, was it?
and that’s it for the outside.
match up your inside piece and outside piece, right sides together. sew around the edges from where the closure flap is all the way around to the other side of the closure flap—don’t sew across the flap itself!
***note: depending on how stiff or thick your vinyl and/or interfacing has made your organizer you may need to leave an even bigger opening for turning. just leave a couple of inches on either side of the closure flap unsewn. be sure and backstitch at either end
make sure you’re catching all the edges of your pockets and vinyl. you will get some folding and bunching at the bottom of the pockets you made to hold the hooks and needles. just do your best to keep it neat.
clip the corners and carefully turn the whole thing right side out.
now carefully top stitch around all the edges, folding in the fabric around the closure flap to get a nice clean edge.
and you’re done!
now go ahead and fill it up with all your hooks, needles and other yarny supplies!
and if you’re really ambitious, why not make a matching bag for all your other stuff??
either way, you should definitely head over and see what kim’s up to today!

Love this tutorial. Really clear and well photographed. I might add extra vinly pockets for circular needles and a flap to keep the needles from escaping. Thanks!