
Monday, August 13, 2012

things i think you should know.

o1) did you enter the contest for a $50 Visa giftcard courtesy of Venus and Blogher? just tell me your all-time WORST, MOST EMBARRASSING beauty mishap. errr…or just a summer beauty tip. BUT PLEASE THE FUNNY EMBARRASSING STORIES!!!! click HERE to go to the post

o2) did you enter to win 3 awesome crochet patterns courtesy of luz mendoza? seriously folks—winter will be here before we know it, and if you’re like me you’re going to need a solid 3-4 months to actually complete anything usable. click HERE to check that out!

o3) remember my e-shakti dress review? well they’re offering my readers a discount code good for 10% off your order! woot! and you can stack this discount on top of other discounts they’re offering! double woot! act quick though—this is only valid until 8/31/12. just go HERE and enter code REN9NXN in at checkout!

o4) i have very little food in my house right now. so i’m off on a massive food shopping trip, with five children in tow. pray for me. that’s not really important, it’s just something i thought you should know.

googiemomma out.


  1. Oh wow! I can't believe you're trying the grocery store with 5 kids!! Good good luck!

    1. ugh. it was as bad as i feared. but it's done now, and i shouldn't have to go again for a good long while. thanks! :)

  2. Send your older ones on a scavenger hunt in the store and you'll complete your grocery list in no time! No guarantees that you'll get only what's on your list, but it'll keep them occupied a bit. :)

    1. haha! that's an awesome idea! i do assign jobs--one person is my list holder/checker, one person is my gatherer, one person my cart pusher/baby watcher. i kind of feel like the captain of a ship sailing down the aisles. ;)


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