
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

a cheater post

normally when i blog about something i've sewn i post pics of the final product and the instructions all in one big post. generally made even bigger than truly necessary because of my inherent wordiness. oops.

but i just don’t have it in me today to edit all the photos and type all the instructions for these dresses…even though they’re really easy.
how easy?

easy enough that i made all 4 start to finish in one day while sick with the flu and running a fever. that easy.
and when you score this cool venice-print fabric for $2/yard (!) and the navy and white trim for 10 cents a yard (!) and so you can dress all four of your girls and your son gets a matching bowtie and the whole shebang cost you about $15, well, i’d say that pretty much deserves a post of it’s own.

i know! it’s amazing! $15!

of course, as i mentioned before, trying to photograph my five children wearing their outfits is basically like trying to line up five angry squirrels and get them to all stand still, smile and look at the camera at the same time.

try #1: size order

which is to say: virtually impossible.


although, come to think of it, squirrels might be a little easier. i mean—no one would question if you had them on tiny leashes. and if i had some peanuts to get their attention…
regroup for try #2: monkey in the middle.

and fail.

so it’s settled then. my next sewn garments will be photographed on squirrels.

in the meantime, here is what i made for my human models.


simple empire waist sundresses. i used the trim across the top and as straps. guinevere’s had a regular bodice…


and the three little girls had gathered or ruched bodices.


i added two navy blue buttons on the front just for a little sompin’ sompin’, and because i liked the additional nautical touch.

my little man got a coordinating bowtie, and happened to have this blue and white striped dress shirt i got him at the thrift store. in the words of tim gunn—it’s a lot of look. but it goes, right?

and here’s a little secret…shhh…come closer…when the hubs was ironing this shirt for harrison to put on she said, shannon—is this a woman’s shirt? and lo and behold, it was (the buttons, if you’re into this sort of thing, button in the opposite direction on a woman’s shirt) i solemnly swear it was in the boy’s section at the thrift shop. what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. and yes, he did notice the buttons weren’t right. and yes, i did act quite innocent. you think i’m telling him he’s wearing a ladies shirt? bah!

so tutorial on the dress forthcoming. and on a related note, does anyone know where i can buy a couple of cheap squirrel traps?




  1. Gah! Sometimes I hate you. Then I have to remind myself that envy is a sin. So then I stop hating you and love you again. (but deep down, the envy is still there...)

    1. make me laugh. even if you hate me. so, i guess there's that. ;)

  2. Oh, those dresses are amazing! And I LOVE all the "failed" pictures. Very cute, every one! And you know...perfect pictures are boring anyway ;)

    1. i'm glad you feel that way...because i'm fairly certain there will NEVER be a "perfect" photo of my five on this here blog. ;)

  3. Oh my goodness...LOVE those candid photos of your son tucking in his shirt and of your baby walking towards to the camera. So cute! And such cute dresses (and tie)...really, you are so talented!

  4. Those pictures are adorable even if the kids aren't lined up in perfect order... love them! And the dresses are SO CUTE! I love the trim.


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.