Monday, February 8, 2010

Intrinsic Study on Proportionate Danger of Snowstorms vs. Diets, googiemomma et al...or...Peanut Butter Whopper Pie

I'd like you to meet my friend. Her name is Lola.
Isn't she lovely in her shiny red splendor? Her smooth lines. Her burnished chrome accents. The light coating--not of dust--but of flour, of cocoa, of promises.
But be careful...she's a minx. Sure, she can lure you in with her avowals of health food--of a better tomorrow. And yes, she's always there for me when its time to make the weekly bread, or mash lentils so they become unrecognizable to children's eyes. 
But then...
Oh, then she whispers to me...
"whipped heavy cream" she says...
"peanut butter" she murmurs...
"chocolate" she sighs...

(what? your mixer doesn't talk in fancy font?)

And this, my friends, is what happens:
And this:
And this:
Which, in turn, leads to this:
Necessitating this:
And the end result? This:
(I'll spare you the gory details of the actual end results in photo form. Suffice it to say its along these lines, without, you know...the baby)

But regrets?, thank you very much.

Here's how the action went down:
Start with these:
Make the cake mix according to box directions, but crush about 1/2 the box of Whoppers and add it to the cake mix before baking in two 9" pans.

For the frosting, I used this recipe, but found it was a bit too sweet and not as fluffy as what I wanted. So take one cup of heavy whipping cream and one tsp of vanilla, and beat it into whipped cream. Slowly add the peanut butter frosting back in, a little at a time, beating just enough to incorporate it into the whipped cream. This will smooth, fluff and de-sweeten (is that a word?) the peanut butter frosting just enough.

When the cakes are cool (or before they're totally cool, if you're impatient like me) frost the bottom layer, stack them, and frost the top and sides. I sprinkled the top with cocoa powder, again because I was looking for something not overwhelmingly sweet, and top with remaining Whoppers. And then--enjoy. Go forth, my friends, and be naughty.

It was, in the words of googiedaddy, definitely a two slicer.

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  1. googie, sorry.. but i got distracted but that pretty red mixer! what was that you were saying?

    oh! and next week, i'm going to increase the pixel size of the link thumbnails, just for you, so you can fit your whole googiemomma name in there.

    have a great weekend!

  2. Oh yes, this does look sinful and delicious! :) Entertaining post! I've stopped in from ana's archive dive. I'm kind of lucky I don't have a mixer...or much (any?) skill with baking. I have enough temptation as it is!

  3. Oh my yum. This looks like a whopper of a way to introduce my kiddies to an old favourite candy.

  4. Hello from Ana's Archive Dive

    I am SO drooling here in Virginia...scrumptious post and Lola is quite fetching!

    Happy Weekend to you and yours


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.


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