Friday, April 8, 2011

it’s a small, small world

since i’ve been so homebound lately i’ve been ordering things online.

a lot.


the fun thing about ordering things online?

you get mail.

and as my packages began arriving, i became enthralled with the envelopes themselves.


now, i’m no stamp collector—but holding an envelope in my hand and knowing it travelled halfway around the world to get to me?


pretty cool.

thailand, singapore, south korea, isreal, japan…


the writing…the labels…the stamps…




and i amassed a small collection of useless padded shipping envelopes. poor googiedaddy moved them from place to place…forbidden to throw them away. because, well, i just couldn’t.

they’re so neat.

maybe i should start collecting stamps…at least they’re smaller.


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  1. That is very interesting. Now I dont collect envelopes, (the hubs would kill, HA) BUT I can see why wouldnt want to get rid of them. I have thought while holding a package in my hands from across the world... "this is probably the closest I will ever get, to a place so far away". Sigh

  2. You can't go showing us all your awesome envelopes without even a HINT about what was inside!!!

  3. Wait! so what's in the packages?? What foreign objects are your ordering? LOL So share or is that for another post?

  4. lol about stamps!

    love these photos! there is something so thrilling about *real* mail isn't there? i mean, anything other than junk or bills. i get a little giddy when a package arrives for me, or a little envelope with handwriting on it.

    also, it may be obvious, i don't get out much either ;)

  5. Those are great, but what did you get?! Especially from across the world! I love ordering online so I can get mail!


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.


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