
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

sweat ‘n sew

the sweat:

i hit week 4 of couch-to-5K a month ago. A MONTH. for various reasons i’ve been unable to make the jump to week 5.
until today.

i did week 5, day 1 this morning (a run 5-walk 3-5-3-5 combo) and i felt great. really. it’s insane to me. i’ve never been able to run so much as a 1/2 mile. shoot, 1/4 mile was too far. no matter how good of shape i was in, i’m no runner. between the asthma and…well, the “ladies”…i don’t exactly have a runner’s physique.

and tomorrow i go a solid 8 minutes.

i’m also into week 2 of 30 days of green smoothies. it’s…okay. i’ve made my peace with not chewing. and i think i may actually be seeing some results. possibly.

the sew:

plaid g outfit5

really this is like a Flashback post. Way back Wednesday? whatever. because this skirt + blazer were made for guinevere. as you can see…

plaid g outfit8

it was made for an 8-year old guinevere, and somehow got missed for ms. ava, and so now it’s a touch too small to wear. but before it goes back up to the attic to await an 8-year-old gigi* i wanted to get some pics. for posterity.

plaid g outfit2plaid g outfit3plaid g outfit4

*really gigi will probably be 12 before this fits her. but at least the letter will be right again.

they were so cute in their matching outfits. i blogged about a 4-year-old ava’s here. and what i don’t have pics of is the matching tie i made harrison. :(

plaid dress2

plaid g outfit12

all my three babies in matching burberry-ish plaid found at wallyworld for $1/YARD. it never gets old saying that. ONE DOLLAR.

i used a pattern for this, and i remember clearly how i struggled with that blazer. and how stinkin’ proud of myself i was when i conquered it and it was wearable.

plaid g outfit7

these outfits were the first time i sewed where i felt like it was GOOD. you know? i felt like i was proud of these, and they didn’t look “homemade”. these dresses were a turning point in my sewing—where i really felt like this was something i could do. i was proud of how each girl’s dress was a nod to their age: the vintage peter pan collared dress for the 4 year old, the more sophisticated blazer and skirt for the 8 year old, tied together by matching fabrics and black velvet accents.

but clearly i still had things to learn…like matching plaids on a back seam. couldn’t be bothered back then, i guess.

plaid g outfit10

ha. who am i kidding. i still can’t really be bothered. ;)


  1. On week 5... you are awesome! Couch to 5k is one of those things that I keep planning on doing 'soon' but never actually start.
    The sewing: Love that plaid! And the jacket/skirt combo is great. =)

  2. I love the skirt and blazer outfit. =D


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