
Thursday, September 5, 2013

here piggy, piggy

every year for the last three years we’ve done an end-of-summer pig roast, hosted at my parents’ house.

and every year i take a ton of photos, intending to put some up here and share the details and invites.

and every year…i don’t.

well let’s change that. i’m currently working on the invites for this—our 4th annual pig roast. who wants a free printable invite?

pig roast invite blank

or maybe you’d like last year’s invite…

3 pig roast invite blank

(it read: “this little piggy went to THE yourlastname’s”…and the date/time info was one line right above “please bring a covered dish”)

r i g h t  c l i c k  and save that trash for your own piggy roasting adventures.
with love, from the momma to you.

(all fonts/graphics from free sources, including but not limited to: the graphics fairy, dafont)

now, who wants to indulge me by looking at some photos of years past? coughcough i gave you a free printable invite coughcough.

you doooo? aw. how sweet. ;)

the formula for an memory-making pig roast is simple: TONS of food + TONS of friends + games and prizes for the kids + marshmallows + bonfire to end the night.

oh. and a pig.

// 2 0 1 0  P I G  R O A S T //

that year they put an apple in the pig’s mouth. i’ll spare you those photos.




i must have been hungry that year. most of my pictures are of the food.


babies! who aren’t babies anymore! :(

// 2 0 1 1  P I G  R O A S T  //

here’s the awesome thing about this picture: little miss emma there with the disgusted look? she’s not pushing away the gross pig. she’s reaching out for a piece of meat.


this was hands down my favorite photo: gigi, age 2, and emma from above, watch as the men start carving up the pig.


my baby was a baby. and my brother was a hipster.


the kiddos made foam hats that year—a blanket with thousands of foam stickers and markers and a hat for everyone. you would have thought they hit the jackpot.


and we end the night with a bonfire.


// 2 0 1 2  P I G  R O A S T //

do you see how many tables of food there were last year?????


boys. ugh.


you may recognize this little nugget…


the important thing is always having the right tool for the job.


so there it is. one large-ish post covering all three prior pig roasts. #4 coming soon.


  1. YUMM!!! :) Gigi was adorable in the picture. Well, she always looks adorable but more baby adorable. (you know what i mean... hehehe)

  2. Ahhh, memories! Can't wait for number 4...

  3. Good times! Food, friends! Kids, games, laughter......


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.