
Thursday, February 7, 2013

little golden dress

sewing, like any art, has definite ups and downs. sometimes your sewing mojo is on like donkey kong and you can’t hardly sew fast enough to keep up with the ideas churning through your brain.

and other times…not so much. all the fabric seems meh. nothing inspires.

but then…THEN. you see a fabric and BOOM! the dress it’s meant to become just jumps into your head like whoa.

this little golden books fabric was one of those. the instant i saw it, i saw a full skirted dress with short sleeves, a peter pan collar, and brown accents.

and boom. this happened:


unfortunately, these are from the same series of pics i talked about here—the ones hampered by a complete lack of interest in the photo taking process by my children. hmph.


not even the addition of a Bribery Lolly helped. she popped it in her mouth like the tiniest james dean and gave me the straight face she does so well. this kid has a whopper of a poker face.


so NO. NO cute photos for you of cute blonde baby/toddlers wearing fluffy full dresses and reading little golden books.



nope. you have to be satisfied with semi-blurry, too dark shots of a grump.


dress details: it buttons up the back with 4 brown buttons. 2 matching buttons on the front center. poofy slip—slightly too big, and thus slipping down—under the skirt, which is as big as i could make it once i cut the bodice pieces from my yard of fabric. bigger IS better, at least when it comes to skirts.



and finally, i’d like to share this little series of photos. proving that no, it’s not all glitter and sunshine in the googiehaus. in case anyone actually thought that (ha).


the look on elliot’s face in that middle shot? priceless.


  1. LOVE this. Perfect dress design for the perfect fabric!!

  2. Love the dress and your kids are cute, even if they don't cooperate all the time. Elliot is so funny and I can laugh since I am just sitting here at my computer and she won't see me laughing.

  3. What a sweet dress! Love the piping and buttons. =) Those pictures are SO funny!

  4. Love it. Blurry, dark, sassy pics and all! Oh, Elliot... your faces make me lol.

  5. Gorgeous dress with real, authentic pics. Love it!

  6. love the dress, and hahahaha at the last set of pictures. it makes me feel like I'm at home. Oh wait... I am at home. And that played out (or pretty close to it) earlier today. Must be Day That Ends In Y Day.

  7. this is just gorgeous. I love the piping and vintage cut. way to go mama!


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