
Monday, December 5, 2011

extreme home makeover: boy’s room edition (part III)


four bags of trash, boxes, broken toys, miscellaneous flim-flam, unused items…

and he asked me when he came home “you didn’t throw anything away, did ya mom?”


“only trash, harrison. only trash.” :)

the room is clean. it’s neat and orderly.
our goals:
       * updated and modern, a little baseball-y for him--but neutral enough that we don't have to redo again in a couple of years.
      * a place for EVERYTHING, and everything in it's place--spots for toys, clothes, legos, books, papers and pens
      * a desk for him to work at and create at
      * fun touches to make him excited

and i'm pretty sure we accomplished our goals.
it’s a little bit vintage baseball


the pillows made from fabric bought online…somewhere. i can’t remember. i just googled “vintage baseball fabric” and bought a few different types from a few different places. i have more, but this is the only one i used so far.


the grey/brown/navy duvet cover is from ikea. his bed we had (also from ikea). i have a big art project to do for over his wall…that’s coming.


we got rid of the dresser and did a high basket filled unit (from ikea). i still have to make a curtain for the front.

the pictures i bought here.


i think they’re really neat—and perfect for combining a boy’s desire for “BASEBALL ROOM” with a mom’s desire for something a bit more classic.

here’s a better look at one from my pinterest board:

and an organized toy chest (ikea)—that still has empty spots to be filled

the Pièce de résistance though?
his giant workbench/desk:


this was the googiedaddy’s workbench, languishing unused in the shed since he lost his home workshop.
we dug it out and set up on the front porch…


where it got a good cleaning, bolt tightening, sanding and staining with grey stain.


in the room it’s bordered by a new bookshelf on the left (ikea)


some shelves filled with books, some baskets for hiding the…treasures.

the red shelves above he had in his room before. but they were more RED!!!!, not rrrreeeddd. you know? so we hit them with some spray paint.


and an organization system from the home depot for his legos beneath that, reminiscent of the ones he loves reading about in his lego magazine...


the bins hang on a bracket that screws into the wall. 4 bins and the bracket were $7.99.

and we spent about 2 hours dividing the legos into color. and yes, i know it may never look like this again—but it makes this momma’s OCD heart happy.
of course, if any of my kids were going to keep it as organized as i have it now--it would be him. maybe there's hope?


the barstools were hand-me-downs from a friend. they got a coat of dark blue spray paint, a recovered seat and the legs cut down to fit his workbench. (we bought the little rubber feet at walmart—like $1.88/4)

and that’s it. i still have to do the window treatments (curtains are done, need blinds), and the wall art over his bed.

but for one whirlwind weekend, and not much money, we’re super happy with the results!


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thanks for reading!

i'm linking up here:


  1. This turned out really good! I love the grey stain on the desk. Do you know what color it is?

  2. Holy wow, Shannon!! Now that's some crazy fast work. I tell you, if we did that here it would take at least 18 months. ;) I LOVE LOVE the desk. I'd actually like it in my room. Do you think Harrison would sell? And just so you know, I would divide the legos by color as well. And then I would probably do it a few more times after it got messed up. Just like I separated my mom's safety pins by color and then size which meant 9 different sections, and she called me crazy. Whatev.

  3. shonie--hmm...i'll have to ask the hubs on that one. it was called like "cape cod grey" or something. i'll let you know!

    kimberly--i don't think you could pry that desk from his cold, dead fingers. the boy is IN LOVE. the safety pins? you crack me up. (and am i the only one who has to sing the safety dance to remember if the 'e' goes before or after the 't'? you can dance if you want to...)

  4. I LOVE the old workbench...and the room looks great! And I would LOVE to divide the legos by color....but I am afraid of the consequences. Well done!

  5. @simple simon--thanks! the consequences for you or him? i'm a little nervous i'm breeding severe OCD in my boy...but i just can't help it. the artist in me loves a good rainbow, the mom in me loves neatness, the type A in me loves organization. it's a recipe for disaster!

  6. This makeover goes to the little grown up man Harrison, right, Shannon? He deserves this fabulous room makeover. As I looked at your previous post, I saw how the light of that cute chandelier blended well with the newly painted wall. It looks great!


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