
Monday, October 31, 2011

the awkward vegetarian

i’ve been basically vegetarian since i was about 13 years old.

i say basically, because there’s been a few times during my pregnancies where my body was all “MUST HAVE MEAT. NOW.” and i tend to listen to my body at those times…i figure maybe it’s trying to tell me something.
of course, those dabbles in carnivorous-ness usually don’t end well.

i’ll leave it there.

i’m not one of those vegetarians though that’s all I DON’T EAT MEAT=I AM BETTER THAN YOU.
at least, i don’t think i am.

i still use leather—it’s not a “save the animals” type of activism-eating.

and i don’t choose vegetarianism for my children—although we are not huge meat eaters as a family—my googies are just as happy eating a hamburger as they are a tofu casserole or lentil loaf.

i remember it clearly—i had just eaten a huge cheesesteak, and it was sitting like a lead weight in the bottom of my stomach (which, ironically—cheesesteaks are one of the only things i really miss. can i get a philly shout-out? holla!).
“this can’t be right”, i thought. “there has to be a better way to feel after you eat.”
and that was it.

at this point, almost 20 years later, i honestly have no craving or taste for meat. chicken kinda grosses me out.

so i guess i’m more of an experimental vegetarian, and then it stuck.

maybe this is my long-winded explanation of why i'm such an awkward vegetarian, then.
when people invite us for dinner, they're all "OH! you're a vegetarian?!? what can i make you?" and i'm all nothing i'm fine i'll just eat the rolls don't worry about it.

when people were bringing us meals during the rough months of my last pregnancy, they'd ask what they could make and i'd be like "oh, just make whatever for the kids and jeremy. i'll figure something out for myself."

fortunately i have wonderful friends and family--who made us things like lasagna and vegetarian shephard's pie and yummy salads--and didn't listen to me.

so a couple of weeks ago when i took gigi to her princess party the hostess said "i forgot you are a vegetarian!", and then i did my typical "no don't worry about it i'll just eat the potato chips."

and she said no! look! i made you THIS!

there was corn. and some chopped up radishes. and some tortillas. and some cheese.


cause, really, let's call a spade a spade.
 i'm not so much a vegetarian as a macandcheeseatarian. a frenchfryatarian.

the bean sprouts and the mushrooms and the rabbit food? yeah, not so much.
i like good, warm, hearty meals.

just--without meat.

but i was a good guest.

thank you! yummm!

and i ate it. and you know what???

it was mad good.

so good in fact, that i got the recipe from her and made it for my family and my in-laws.

so there.
i'm a vegetarian. and i'm better than you.


  1. I hear ya sista! I don't eat anything with a face... I make sure my eye roasts do not have eyes, and my chuck roasts were NOT named chuck. Gotta Love it! I've always said, if I had to go hunt for it then bean sprouts and tofu (uhhhh maybe not tofu) here I come. I hear ya about the chicken though sometimes the thought "gags me with a 'chicken leg' " LOL - love your posts!!! and BTW i'm not a vegetarian and I'm proud of it :-D

  2. Well... you gonna share that recipe? If you don't mind please email it, maybe my family will like it better then the lentil cheese loaf I have been banned from making again- although I liked it. Just had a chance to catch up and wanted to tell you your kids look great and so glad all is going well- well maybe normal in a house full of 5 kids... LOL

  3. I'm there with you on the "I'll just eat the rolls" commentary: I'm what I call an 'accidental vegetarian' (meaning through no real choice of my own, my body doesn't want meat). But, on the upside, have you ever made vegerian breakfast casseroles? Hello easy and tasty! Plus, when you're in a house (in my case, ever changing apartment) on the go, super easy to heat up. Just wanted to share the vegetarian love!

  4. Since you asked...

    Ok, I still eat eggs and limited dairy products (no fish or meat), so take my vegetarianism as you will, but here is a recipe to make breakfast a little easier (and better than just shoving a handful of Lucky Charms in your mouth. I was in college. Don’t laugh too hard.)

    Easy Eggie-Veggie Casserole

    • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter
    • 8 cups chopped vegetables (I use lots of green stuff: defrosted spinach, broccoli, leftover peas…I clean out the fridge for this recipe! Colorful peppers bring a little life and fun to the dish too.)
    • 1 cup chopped onion
    • 7 eggs, beaten (if I’m in a healthier mood, I’ll use half egg whites)
    • 1-1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
    • 1 cup fat-free milk
    • 1 cup half-and-half cream
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1 teaspoon pepper
    • Seasonings to taste: I will throw in basil from my window box, and sometimes I’ll shake it up with a onion powder/garlic powder/paprika combination that is good if you’re going heavy on the greener vegetables


    If the vegetables were not previously cooked (like I said, I use leftover veggies for this pretty often) I would suggest sautéing them before you continue.
    Combine the eggs, cheese, milk, cream, and seasonings in a large bowl.
    Stir in veggies.
    Coat a three qt baking dish with cooking spray and pour the mixture in.
    Bake uncovered at 350° for 40-45 minutes or until a knife comes out clean from the center.
    If you’re feeling ambitious, sprinkle with a little cheese on the top after you pull the casserole out.
    Let it stand for 10 minutes before devouring.


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.