
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

right now

right now i’m washing a load of tiny baby girl clothes in preparation. and having a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that there’s going to be an actual little person in them in less than a month. (25 days or so really. but who’s counting?)


right now i’m eating a tart granny smith apple, which i haven’t been able to get enough of with this pregnancy. yum.

right now i’m admiring my ankle bones…which i know i won’t be able to see in a few more hours. ahh swelling…welcome back my third trimester friend.


ugh…yes, believe it or not this is good. it only goes downhill from here.

which leads me to…

right now i’m wondering what is up with the summer weather in april? NOT HELPING.

right now i’m wondering why i put ‘sweet escape’ on my ipod. or why i never took it off. sorry gwen, your time has come (and gone). i want more mumford & sons.

right now i’m looking at my project for next week’s round of SYTYC. and hating it. and wondering what i can do instead before tomorrow’s deadline.

and finally…

right now i’m avoiding the fact that my family room looks like this:


because i had googiedaddy pull ALL the clothes down from the attic for sorting and The Great Twice Annual “Seasonal/Size Clothing Change”.

a week and a half ago.

the spirit is willing, but the flesh?? so weak…

so share. what are you up to RIGHT NOW?


  1. pshh, i don't know what you're whining about. your flipflops haven't popped yet, you've got tons of room there yet ;)

    and i voted. i am hoping 'come on dover' was yours, because it's so freakin beautiful. they should just give that gal the trophy or whatever it is you're competing for and call it a day. i have other thoughts on some of the projects there, but i'll stop there :)

    good luck!

  2. hey, right now I'm just enjoying "Nap time"
    I'm putting off the "seasonal/size clothing change"--for me it usually means another shopping for clothes trip with the pre-teen, yuck!--Tiny

  3. My guess was also Come on Dover (move your bloomin' arse!) so I hope I voted for you!

    Dude, if I sit here too long my feet, mostly my right, swell up to truly terrifying levels. It isn't even hot here (19C), either: it must really bite to have the swelling in hot weather, though you have the benefit of not needing to wear socks and shoes that constrict. There is no winning, is there?

    Right now I'm trying to stay pregnant for another week. This kid is starting to act like he/she is ready to make a break for it and we are not ready!! And I'd really like to make it to term this time.

  4. just read your new-ish "who" page and i had a good giggle. my favourite hacking of "voila" is viola. et viola! a flower? where? or a relative of the violin tuned a fifth lower? quoi?! mon dieu.. :)


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.