
Friday, April 29, 2011

basket case

last week's SYTYC challenge was "scraps".
 now--i know i say this well, pretty much every week...but this was HARD.

like "forget it i give up you can't fire me i quit" hard.

but at some point in my whining to others discussing my lack of inspiration in a mature fashion with others, i received an email from that (finally!) got my wheels a-turnin'. (thanks kim!)

and so i came up with this:


using (some) of this:

(i changed the fabric i used to line the interior after taking this photo)

and this was my entry:

When I was trying to decide what to make for this week's challenge, I pulled out all the scraps I could find...and what a collection it was! Florals and plaids and cottons and satins and leathers and kiddie prints and...

And, well, to be perfectly honest there wasn't any rhyme or reason to any of it. And I was stumped. (I was also quite shocked at the amount of scraps I've been hanging on to...but that's a whole other story!)

So I pulled out a pile of leather scraps--no piece was bigger than one square foot--and started playing around...

The result?


In the words of one Mr. Tim Gunn--"it's a lot of look." So I kept it all neutrals and naturals--shades of brown, green and cream help coordinate the overall color theme but keep it from being too overwhelming or too juvenile.


Inside I added a little pop of color with a small scrap of fabric I found that contained many of the colors I'd used on the outside--it was such a small piece I could only put a border of it around the top! It also has an inside pocket.

The roses are simple rolled flowers. Both colors are leftover pieces of lining fabric--and the beige started as white before taking a little bath in some hot tea to tone it down!


All together it's one cute clutch perfect for a night out on the town!


so, i actually was happy with how this turned out. and--bonus--it made a nice little gift for my momma! :o)

next week i'll throw together a little "how-to" explaining how i did it.

and don't forget--today's the last day to vote in this week's SYTYC challenge--UPCYCLE!


  1. Woohoo! I thought that one was yours, so I definitely voted for you. It's a great idea (but also totally enabling my addiction to saving little scraps, an addiction which really doesn't bear encouragement!), too!

  2. I super love it. I was between two when guessing which one was yours, but I went with this one. :)

  3. Hello,
    I just happened to come across you blog and thought I would say hi :) I am now following you, if you want to say hi you can swing by

  4. Hi Shannon! just wanted to check in and say howdi. Your fabric roses look awesome :)


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.