
Thursday, March 10, 2011


not me. these thank yous are waaay overdue:

judy @ DIY by design featured my trellis stencil wall a few weeks ago...

girl's got an amazing sense of style, so it's an honor to be featured by her!
 maria-isabel over at agape love designs featured my "moustache" shirt...


you've got to check out the other stuff in her "moustache roundup"! she's got the most hysterical facial hair items from around the interwebs.and i recieved the "stylish blogger award" from michelle @ that mommy blog!

she said i crack her up. so clearly she's awesome and you should check her out!

thank you thank you thank you ladies!!! usual, there is a method to my madness...
do you think now that i've used the title "overdue" for a blog post...i won't HAVE to use it come may? cause that would be reeeeaaally nice. fur realz.


  1. Ha! I will cross my fingers that you don't have to even think "overdue" again!

  2. lol and nodding to michelle's comment.


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.