
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

is it too soon for us to talk about my symphysis pubis?

because, really, the last thing i want to do is make you uncomfortable.

but remember last week, when i mentioned the searing pain in my back whenever i even thought about moving?

it just wasn’t going away. not with heat, or muscle rub, or a massage or bedrest or ANYTHING.

instead of being worse at night and okay in the morning, it’s started to basically just be constant. i.e.—from the time i roll myself out of bed in the morning to the time i roll back in at night, i’m in constant debilitating pain, walking around in a manner amazingly similar to everyone’s favorite tv doctor.


you know, just without the bitter sarcasm and nasty pill habit.

oh--and the cane. but i could really, really use the cane.

all of this was leading me to believe that maybe it wasn’t just normal pregnancy back pain. ya think?

paging dr. google. dr. google, you’re needed in the self-diagnosis wing.

i looked up sciatica, since that seemed a likely diagnosis. but i don’t really have shooting pains down my leg, or other typical sciatica symptoms.

sciatica eliminated.

then i stumbled upon pelvic girdle pain, and it’s associated friend symphysis pubis dysfunction.

dingdingding! we have a winner folks.

i have a checkup with my midwife on thursday, so i’ll discuss it more with her then. but the many lovely symptoms the two share basically fit to a ‘t’ what i’ve been dealing with. even my special new walk…i mean, my “antalgic gait.”

the cure? well, i’ll boil it down for you: give birth. until then, deal with it. (there are different measures you can take to try and ease the pain, but nothing is really sure fire. more just stop-gaps.)

and here’s the really fun part:

“PGP in pregnancy seriously interferes with participation in society and activities of daily life; the average sick leave due to posterior pelvic pain during pregnancy is 7 to 12 weeks.[5]
In some cases women with PGP may also experience emotional problems such as anxiety over the cause of pain, resentment, anger, lack of self-esteem, frustration and depression; she is three times more likely to suffer postpartum depressive symptoms.[6] Other psychosocial risk factors associated with woman experiencing PGP include higher level of stress, low job satisfaction and poorer relationship with spouse.[7]

so here’s the super exciting breakdown:
my pain is here to stay, at least until i pop this monkey out. and because i tend to have bigger babies, it’s probably only going to get worse before it gets better.
i have a much higher risk of anxiety, depression and postpartum depression, things i have and do struggle with already.
my house and children are just going to continue looking worse as this pregnancy continues and i deal with this “condition” and it’s related issues (i.e.—unable-to-move-ness)

but really, don’t cry for me. there is a bright side.

now i have a diagnosed medical condition and so i don’t have to feel guilty about this:
come to me, my little electric savior.


  1. That seriously bites! I'm sorry that the back pain is looking so grim. I've been having some intermittent sciatica for the last week or so, but I'm hoping that a little chiro treatment will help fix it up.

    I'll send my strongest "Don't stay in too long or get really big" vibes to Five. Hopefully you'll be able to get through the last weeks of pregnancy with aplomb!

  2. You whiner... JUST KIDDING! That sounds AWFUL. I had sciatica stuff with both kids and this sounds so much worse. But, hey, on the bright side, at least you have an excuse for your house to look like crap. I have none, but it still does.

    Come on kid, let's go!

  3. Poor thing! Take full advantage of those little carts! Jenn

  4. That honestly sucks! I think, though, that you will not have PPD because you will be SO excited to be rid of the pain! Maybe?


  5. I'm so sorry you feel like this! I think I might have had something like this too while prego, about half way through it started. Although I thought it was cause I had a sit down all day job. I ended up leaving early, and it didn't feel better till after my son was born.
    I hope your MW is able to find some ways to ease the pain. About how much longer?

  6. I am so sorry you are having to endure this. I carried twins and had the pelvic girdle pain and probably other problems but they just put me to bed and told me if I needed to be out and about to wear a pregnancy brace. It did help some but not a lot. Take care! Chris

  7. I'm so sorry for your back pain. Poor thing! I hope you'll be able to get through the last weeks of pregnancy.

  8. Um, I totally have the same thing, and I've had it with all three pregnancies. It SUCKS. I feel your pain sister. I feel your pain.

  9. late commenting, and i'm glad your a *little better* (shhh) but you poor thing.


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.