
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

trellis wall stencil

another week, another snow day.
that’s pretty much how it feels—at least here in the northeast.
but it’s okay, because i use my snow days to get important things done.

wait, what? were you thinking things like deep cleaning and reorganizing?


you’re cute.

no. when the googiedaddy is stuck home due to snow, i hop out of bed and say “pull the bed out. today i’m painting the wall behind it. i saw it on a blog.”

this wall:
stop laughing at my elephant. it’s a cool mist humidifier and it saves my life nightly. i have pregnant nose for cryin’ out loud.

needs something, right? (besides having the bed made. but when i get an idea in mind i GOGOGOGO. no time for such trivialities.)

so i knew when i saw this tutorial from centsational girl it was the perfect thing. it’s been in my “ideas” file forever. i’ve even had the paint forever. it was time to get ‘er done.
she used poster board to create her stencil, then traced it in pencil and free-hand painted the entire thing.

but i had something else in mind…
i found a pattern i liked and printed it out:
i do all my best planning in bed. a blessing on whoever invented wireless printers.

then i took my printout and put it behind my “stencil medium” and traced.


you’re wondering what it is, aren’t you?

shhh…come ‘ere…closer…
it’s a flexible cutting board from the $1 store. actually, they were 2 for $1, so it was really only 50 cents. it came to me in a burst of inspiration.

it was perfect—cut easily with an xacto knife…

and cleaned up easily too.

so now, through the magic of internet, you don’t have to see the 45 minute “break” i took from my project to clean behind our bed. let’s just say: a bag of miscellaneous trash, enough dust bunnies to start a dust bunny farm, and at least 20 hairbands that slip off my hair every night while i sleep and i can’t find in the morning. and here i thought i was a relatively clean person. i should have known better. i’ve been down this road before.

ahem. so, moving on:

once my stencil was ready and the bed pulled away from the wall to reveal pristine spotlessness, i began the process.

my other supplies: a wet rag for cleanups, a decent paint brush, masking tape to hold the stencil in place, and the paint. i used a 50/50 blend of these 2 colors:

decoart dazzling metallics champagne gold, and folkart metallic pearl white

next followed some suggestions from googiedaddy: “maybe you should measure the wall and/or stencil before you start so you know where it will end. or how big to make it.”

let me just tell you something right now. any fairly consistent reader of googiemomma probably already knows my feelings on this, but i’ll break it down for ya.


as are levels. and band-aids. and sewing patterns. and the whole concept of ‘planning ahead’ in general.

this is for you, my friends. words to live by.

but then again, i’m all about keeping a happy marriage. so i get a tape measure, measure the wall in both directions, measure the stencil in both directions, get a calculator, and fill an entire page with numbers. and division signs. and multiplication signs. and maybe some square root thingys and some things squared exponentially and i googled the pythagorian theroum just to see if it applied.

then i leave the paper in an obvious spot, where googiedaddy will see it and be all impressed by my vast mathematical skills and forethought.

then i go back to what i was doing--namely, i little thing i like to call “eyeballing”. except now my brain hurts.


i started at the bottom. there is a learning curve, and this area is hidden by the bed.


and i stenciled. and i stenciled. and then i took a break.

and then i stenciled some more, and cried about my pregnant back, and stenciled.

then i ran out of paint.

day 2, new paint, i got into a groove:

stencil an entire row, wash the stencil, let everything dry. take a few minutes to throw in a load of laundry or load the dishwasher or check email or just sit and whine about my aching back.

then rinse and repeat.

in this way i worked slowly up the entire wall. i skipped areas where my stencil was too big to fit. when i got done all the big areas, i cut my stencil up into little pieces:


and filled in the holes.

i’m not gonna lie—it was pretty time consuming. and in retrospect i kind of wish i had made my stencil a bit bigger—closer to the size of centsational girl’s.

but the end result~~well, i’m pretty proud of it:


okay, okay…i’ll put my best foot forward:


{i’m still searching for a nightstand for my side of the bed. until then i have one of those old sewing machine tables that just about everyone has. and no, we don’t have baseboard or trim in this room yet. hey, it’s only been 5 years. DON’T RUSH US.}


but i’m really happy with the subtle iridescent pattern. adds just the little somethin’ somethin’ i was looking for.


once more for emphasis:



i'm sharing this here today:


Black Kats Design


  1. That looks gorgeous! I have to say, I LOVE everything about your bedroom - even the elephant (but I didn't notice it until you pointed it out and even then it took me a minute of looking for it [and? don't feel bad because I have a Thomas the Tank humidifier in my bedroom. I wanted the Hello Kitty one but they were sold out at the time]).

  2. Oh boy - that looks FABULOUS!!! What a BIG job! I am impressed! I did something like that once, but my stencil was HUGE! I feel like I cheated now looking at yours - lol

  3. love it! and kudos for making me laugh this early in the morning~!

  4. thanks ladies!
    @ elle--yes, i think the elephant does give the room that touch of whimsy...that little extra flair ;o)
    @admittedfabricaholic--love the name haha! yes, you are a cheater. cheater cheater pumpkin eater.
    @jess--glad i could help :o)

  5. your wall looks great!! i am about to tackle a stenciling project in my laundry room... your project is just the inspiration i needed!

  6. Boy, you sure didn't give up! My arm would have fallen off... haha!
    Well done, Shannon!
    I L.O.V.E it!

  7. WOW! That looks amazing! I really want to try an all over stencil. Hope mine turns out half that great! Newest follower :)

  8. I love anything stenciled! Great job, it looks so classy! Visiting from DIYDesign.

  9. Your stencil looks wonderful...adds such a nice touch!

  10. I have to tell you I am so impressed not only with how it came out, but the fact that you made your own stencil. Stencils are expensive and you do it for $0.50. That's amazing. Thanks so much for linking this awesome project to my party. Hope to see you again next week.

  11. I featured your beautiful stenciled wall. Please stop by and pick up your featured button. I hope you will join in this week's party as well. The link just opened up.

  12. Ha! Love your humor! And I love your stenciled wall too! I wish I would have seen this post to add to my article I did in House of Fifty online Magazine:(

  13. I love, love, love your pattern and have scoured high and low in search of somthing similar to no avail :( Is there any way you could post your pattern?!?

    1. i'm so sorry, i don't have the pattern i used anymore! but i just googled "moroccan trellis" and found a design i like, then saved and printed it out. hope this helps!

  14. I want this now! Great job lady!

  15. I love this! Could you please share your pattern? I love the little dots...

    1. oh shea, i wish i could! but i cut my "stencil" up at the end to fill in small spots. and i didn't save the pattern. but i just googled "moroccan trellis" and found a design i liked, saved it and printed it out. hope this helps!

    2. Thanks! I have one of those cutting boards, I might try the meantime I did also find a stencil already cut with this same pattern I'm too cheap to buy it though!

  16. Thank you thank you thank you for posting this. !! Love I am so doing this to my bathroom.

  17. OMG !!!! you did a wonderful job !!!!
    I'm so inspired


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