
Monday, April 28, 2014


short answer: because i’m a straight up lousy blogger. because i took the photos of this dress months (weeks?) ago and they’ve been lost in the long dark teatime of my hard drive.

but i love this dress and it’s worth sharing, so here it is.


this dress was inspired by the dress simple simon and co. did for adventures in dressmaking’s series back in november.


liZ made a vintage-y babydoll dress. she described it as “high waisted, tightly gathered, shorty short, ridiculously poofy”. yessssss. girlfriend is speaking my language, and i was forced to promptly copy her dress into a version for my littlest.


it’s a lovely symbiotic relationship: i love seeing ms. elliot here in the poofy fluffy stuff, and she loves wearing it.


as a matter of fact, that is ALL she wears. dresses, and pink, and fancy shoes. 100% of the time. even to bed—including the fancy shoes. she’s tried (unsuccessfully) to convince us her light up minnie mouse click-clack heels are “night night shoes”. just as we’ve tried (unsuccessfully) to convince her that she can not wear shoes to bed. le sigh.

anyway, about the dress--the white velvet liZ used wasn’t gonna fly for my sloppy little munchkin, so it was a stiffer white bottomweight i ended up with, which really enhances the poofiness factor. ;)


i used a self-drafted baseball-t style pattern for the top—omitting the neckband and adding a facing, then added lots, and lots, and LOTS of skirt, pleated and gathered to fit. it has a self slip with black tulle, and a tiny black and white trim on the skirt and arm hems.

some pretty black buttons in the back and a simple black ribbon around the waist. done.


did i keep telling her to pick up things from the ground because i stinking love how it sticks out when she bends over?


yes, i most certainly did.

did i neglect to realize that when i asked her sister to put black stockings on her for these shots, she wasn’t wearing any panties yet?


yes, i most certainly did. O.o

enjoy your morning dose of googie badonkadonk. hehehe.

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