
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

i love to wear my bicycle.

today’s post is a quick and dirty one. found some pics i never posted of a skirt i made myself a while ago.


spring. remember spring? with it’s skirts and bare legs and….not snow?


anyway…i had a 1/2 yard of this bicycle print i loved. and so i cut it in half and sewed it end to end and added a stretch yoga pant type foldover knit waistband to it. i’m fairly certain that’s the technical term, right?

and then i got fancy, so besides my SYPTFKW i decided to add some pockets. in red. because i like a little pop. i’m crazy like that.


and then to top it all off i got a little…errr.. pinteresty shall we say? and paired it with things i pulled from my closet. obviously by holding my hand over my eyes and grabbing. it’s fashion roulette, ya’ll. very invigorating.


and there you have it. quick skirt, probably took me 45 mins total, and it’s awesome for pairing with a tee and flats and running to the food store. in spring. sigh.


  1. Bicycle fabric! Cute! I like your technical term for the waistband, although it does seem easy to say wrong. ;-) And your fashion roulette worked pretty well!


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