
Monday, September 16, 2013

fashion show at lunch!

one of the hardest parts of blogging the things i’ve sewn is getting a good photo shoot together. either someone is sick, or miserable, or we run out of time, or it’s raining…

and then before i know it either the season has changed or the child has outgrown/torn/stained the item, and then….oh well.

so this is why 2 weeks ago i sat down and cleaned out the girls’ closets and drawers, making the Great Seasonal Clothing Switch from summer to fall/winter. and while i went i set aside the ridonkulous number of items i’d made and never photographed/blogged.

then we fixed hurrs up pretty and had one massive photoshoot.


now i have a backlog of photos, just waiting for the blog post to go along with them.

be prepared, internets. googiemomma originals comin’ atcha.

dress collage


  1. Wow, the top left and middle left outfits are particularly great!

  2. Oooh, looking forward to hearing more about these. =)

  3. some of these are really impressive. Can't wait to read more about them.

  4. YAAAAAAAYS!! Inappropriately excited about this!

  5. LOVE those top left and right dresses!!!

  6. I vote for middle right


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.