
Friday, August 17, 2012

oh look, another gif.

are you annoyed by these yet?
yes i admit i may be a little obsessed. but they're cool. and fun to make.

and when i realized i had this series of photos from field day in may...well--come on. they're just perfect, right?

that's miss ava in the center, playing with the GIANT PARACHUTE, which i'm sure we can all agree was The Best Thing Ever in gym.
consider this my way of getting us all excited about BACK TO SCHOOL!

also, my apologies to the unfortunate teacher who's err...bottom is so well-captured in these photos. although, considering she had just given birth to her third baby like 2 months prior--props, girlfriend.

enjoy your weekend! and let me know--which was your favorite? the GIANT PARACHUTE? or are you some kind of weirdo who enjoyed crab-walking? ooh! or whenever you had to wear those colored pinafores made of nylon mesh to show different teams! sooo flattering!


  1. We had a giant ball, higher than a five year old,that the gym teacher called Boo-Baa. Sooo much fun, but you're right, the parachute, hands down, mega fun. Teacher's point of view? needs cooperation to work, impossible to "cheat" or "win". Love it.Need more.


    1. ha! boo-baa! on a related note, "boo-baa" is also what my #3 called "opa" for quite a while. ;)
      hmmm...never considered those benefits to the giant parachute. good call!

  2. Yup, parachute my all time fave! A close second however were the scooters we had in gym class. Little wood 2 foot square with 4 wheels on the bottom. We would lay on them belly down or sit with our legs crossed and hold a jump rope or plastic hockey stick and a friend would pull us around the gym. FUN! Aha, memories!

    1. ha! yeah! i remember those! ahh the days of dangerous gym & playground toys..such fun ;)

  3. Playing with the parachute was one of my favorite things to do in grade school! I'd forgotten all about it until I saw your GIF. Thanks for the memory!

  4. I totally know what you're talking about... those mesh tanks.. ha! That totally brought me back. I'm so impressed you know how to make one of these- props!!

    1. eh...more like i can follow a well-written tutorial. it's seriously not that hard. ;0)

  5. dodge ball, like a boss. My ADD gave me advantage in that one.


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