
Thursday, November 3, 2011

family room

it’s that time of the year again: the time when googiedaddy and i go a little bit crazy and start planning massive projects for the entire house.
first up: the family room.

it’s a big room. when we built on to the house it was initially designed as googiedaddy’s shop. he was a contractor at the time and it was going to be his space. then it became my sister-in-law’s home for a couple of years…until she officially became my sister-in-law and left to live with my brother (which we’re happy to have her a permanent part of the family, but we miss her. and i’m pretty sure she misses my cooking.)

so we painted, put the tv in there along with all the toys and my sewing stuff…and basically it’s a hodge podge.
ahhh—who am i kidding? hodge podge is too nice. it’s a hot mess of a room—not enough seating--and what’s there is beat and uncomfortable, toys overflowing from every nook and cranny, an unfinished beginning of an entertainment center from last year’s attempt at organizing (before the pregnancy got bad and everything fell to the wayside).

but no more!
googiedaddy has been working furiously on a HUUUUGGGE sectional to provide scads of comfortable seating for the entire family…

can i just tell you how excited we are about this thing?
we’re trying hard to do it cheap, so we used fabric that we had at work. it’s not a fabric i would have picked, but there was a LOT of it. so we’ll make it work. it’s a green/grey/brown/olive velvet. it’s more traditional looking than i wanted, but we’re surrounding it with more modern elements:

the wall color

chair fabric (ordered)

possible throw pillows (ordered a couple yards to see):

the area rug i ordered today from overstock:

i'm thinking gray and white striped curtains along these lines:

but in a sheer if possible? i may have to make them.

it seems like a LOT going on in one room. but it's a big room, and one entire wall is taken up by the entertainment unit/bookshelves, which are going to be all white. so i hope think it can handle all the color and pattern.

and that's what we're going for--something fun and whimsical, comfortable and inviting, modern and clean.
i sound like a magazine.
it's a tall order...i hope we can pull it off!
we'll see!!


  1. I can't wait to see the end result. I love a makeover! Sounds fun!

  2. oh, this is gonna be lovely.

    you know, i think you and i could cause some real damage if we went fabric shopping together (perhaps just damaging our credit scores)... isn't it fun picking and coordinating and daydreaming and doing? hope you enjoy this project... looking forward to the reveals!

  3. How fun. Love the colors and patterns. It is also so nice to see someone go bold with the decor.
    I can't wait to see it come together!

    Haley @thedistractedblogger

  4. it looks great!


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.