
Friday, October 7, 2011

attachment parenting

someone's been needing a little extra "mommy time" lately. not wanting to be put down at all.
but when you're a family of seven, life goes on.

and you have to fit in.
so we've been getting a lot accomplished lately with the "sling thing", as i call her, attached to my front.

trying to keep a semi clean home.

trying to keep food on the table.

all the while, whenever i glance down...

we did so well with the cooking and vacuuming that we decided to branch out into some of the other chores that needed doing.

some more challenging. more dangerous.

don't worry, i totally put her down when i did the tub.

we had a little "sweat shop" moment.


and then, well...i guess i just don't learn. or heed my own advice.

I don't learn

don't worry, all was safe.

it was like my own version of the Mommy Olympics.
you know...where the 500 yard dash is done in heels. chasing a toddler.

i could totally medal in that.


  1. LOVE this post! The pictures are hysterical--i can relate to days like that!

  2. She's so sweet! And has a delightful "serious" face, too. I'm currently having a day like that: Scarlet is asleep on my back and I've actually been - *gasp!* - dusting. That never happens. I always feel extra motivated to be productive when she's happily worn, as if that's the point of it.

  3. I have never been able to figure out how to do laundry with a baby on my front. Any tips? :)

  4. @darlene--you're right! it does seem like that's the point of it. we harken back to the old "woman in the field with a baby on the back" days. although, i never, EVER feel like dusting.

    @cubits--squats. oh, and a front load washer.
    squats + front load washer = laundry with baby.


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.