
Thursday, August 11, 2011

because it’s my blog, that’s why

and maybe because we’re in the dog days of summer, and i don’t have much else to post.

but mainly because i need a little holla for my hard work.



(i spelled it out so it looks more dramatic)


a freezer, cleaned for what may be the first time since we bought it.



(please ignore the permanent marker that even a magic eraser couldn’t fully erase…signs of future artists in the home. at least that’s what i tell myself)

stickiness…something spilled that seeped underneath and gathered dust and magnets and grossness…


every single surface of this refrigerator was cleaned. no area left safe from the momma’s ministrations.

the back, the top, the sides, the floor underneath…


i pulled that stinker right out of it’s cubby all by myself with my massive momma muscles and cleaned it like a woman on a mission.


1 comment:

  1. Found you through your fantastic girl's room redo on YHL! While poking around, stumbled all the way back here. So I know it's an old post, but having just cleaned out my own fridge (last weekend, for the first time since 2006, thankyouverymuch) I had to say you are awesome! You've motivated me to actually pull it out this weekend and clean my own dusty/sticky spill- that I was still pretending didn't exist :) Also have you tried fingernail polish remover on the permanent marker? Maybe test in a small spot first to see what it will do to the finish, but I've had luck with it before. Anyways... give yourself a hug because you rule!!


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.