
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

the obvious

five kids is a lot of kids.
not as many as say, 9 or 12 or 20.

but still a good amount.

yes, man in the store, i am a busy mother.
thank you for reminding me.

there are only 24 hours in a day.

it is not enough.

and while we're at it...

well, numerous people who feel the need to ask: i suppose if having five children was the only requirement, then yes, i would probably make a good catholic.
but i'm fairly certain that's not the only requirement.
and no, i'm not catholic. (you would not believe how often we get that one.)

yes, i realize none of my children have my red hair.

you can ask how old my baby is, you can tell me she's cute, you can even ask if they're all mine...but please, don't just stare at me and smile. because after a few minutes it's really just creepy.

yup, i do look young to have 5 kids. but i'm not going to defend my life choices or justify my age or marital status because you hint around and stare at me quizzically.

even if you're my doctor. (seriously dude. my chart's right there.)


  1. It's truly remarkable how far and how frequently people will shove their foot into their mouth. Wow. WOW. And your doctor, too? 0_o

  2. Can I tell you how much of this hit home with me? LOL! I have five, but I do NOT have red hair and some of them do, so I always get "Where does the red hair come from?" Soon I am going to tell them "the milk man!" And we dont get Catholic- around here (Pennsylvania) it is "Amish"

  3. HA!! When I was preggo with my third and toting my 2 and 1 year old to the store I actually heard the woman behind me commenting on how "some people need to learn what birth control is." And I always always hear, "well you certainly have your hands full," as I am sure you do to. My favorite response is "yep, but they are full of good things!" That always seems to shut them up. Thanks for venting, it was a good giggle!!

  4. @dcml--yup, my doctor. but in the interests of honesty, it was my bp doctor, not my primary.
    still my doctor though ;o)

    @lindsay--i think i could write an entire post about the things i've heard in regard to my red hair--from my childhood to now! (hmmm...maybe i will...)

    @amber--grrr!! i think i would have thrown mildness out the window and had a retort for someone like that!!!
    i read somewhere once "i'd rather have my hands full than my arms empty" and truly took it to heart. love that saying.

  5. i thought 3 was a lot


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