
Thursday, July 14, 2011

knit maxi dress

well, it’s confession time again.
sometimes it seems like that’s all i do on this blog…my online diary i guess.
anyway—here goes:
i’ve sewn on a lot of fabrics. i’ve made dresses and suits and pillows and slipcovers and bags and toys and dolls and curtains…i’ve sewn on leather and pleather and plastic and cotton and satin and tulle and wool (and this is starting to sound like a dr. suess book)

but i’ve never actually sewn an entire KNIT anything.

sure, i’ve done the occasional t-shirt embellishment or upcycle. even a rib knit collar here and there.
but an entire knit garment, from yardage of raw knit fabric?

i. was. scared.

but you know what--i’ve conquered my fears. and they were needless anyway.

i bought 2 yards of striped knit on the clearance table at joanne’s last year. girlfriend girl picked it out, it was $4, and i was feeling brave.

but it sat.
until last week.

i just went for it. girlfriend girl, aka “legs”, inherited her height from her daddy. she has a figure--even at 11--that is made for the maxi dress. i used every bit of the 2 yards, but it was worth it.


it’s flowy and breezy and comfy and cool.
i’m so jealous.


i put a simple ruffle around the top, and some rolled roses with my last scraps of fabric.


the necklace? she made that herself. designed to coordinate with the dress.

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no zippers,no buttons. nothing but stretchy comfort.
she wants about 6 more.

and so do i.

it was sooo easy working with the knit. i made sure to have a ball point needle, and everything just flowed.


conquering fears is good.

linking up here:
The Shabby Nest



  1. oh, gosh! I love it!!! It looks amazing! Do you have a tutorial???

  2. oh, knits! a whole new world for you i bet! once you got the hang of it, didn't you find that it was more forgiving than wovens? you can 'fudge' things a little easier with knits. it's not the same as lining corners up perfectly with non-stretchy wovens, and made me wonder why i was so anxious to sew with knits. i foresee a whole lot more of this in your future. and the dress is wonderful!


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.