
Saturday, June 18, 2011

under pressure

percentage of the world’s population with red hair— 1-2%

percentage of the world’s population that is left handed— 8-15%

percentage of women experiencing postpartum hypertension— approx. 10%

see? i always knew i was special.

or a freak, some may say. but i know better. i’m spaay-shul.

last week we were over the in-laws, happily showing off five to visiting family.

i was starting to feel okay—my myriad issues seemed to be resolving. sure, i had had a headache for a few days…sure, my vision was a little blurry… but seriously—i’m working on just a few hours sleep with a newborn. normal, right?

and then googiedaddy decided to take his blood pressure. (yeah, that’s what you do for giggles when you’re hanging at the in-laws house) the bp cuff made the rounds of the room, everyone comparing.

then it got to me.

“oh, my blood pressure is always soooo low,” i chortled confidently. “if my diastolic is over 70 that’s high for me!”



huh. take 2—ditto. takes 3, 4 and 5—all about the same.

maybe it’s a fluke?

so tuesday night we checked it again.


weeeirrrd. so i did what anyone else would do—turned to the internet.

dr. google was not my friend that night: filling my head with words like hypertension and postpartum pre-eclampsia and seizure and…death.

i called my midwife’s office first thing wednesday morning, and when i told the receptionist my numbers her response was immediate: “can you come in today?”

my midwife listened to my story, and checked my blood pressure. yup, it was high. i had earned myself labwork and meds and bedrest and even a big orange jug to save all my pee-pee in for 24 hours! yay!

told you i was special.

so here i am…on bedrest. (i barely escaped readmission to the hospital. guess i’m not that special)


my labs came back okay on friday, and they took some more blood to check again. i have an appointment with a blood pressure specialist on thursday.

until then, i float between bed and couch…watching yet more tv, playing more boggle on my phone, and reading more useless things on the internet. 

when i lay down my pressure drops as low as 110/60. when i sit up, it shoots up. if i stand? ugh. we won’t go there. it’s not pretty.

so, as usual, my life has a theme song.

It's the terror of knowing
What the world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming 'Let me out'

and for that brain worm…you’re welcome. :)



  1. Wow! I didn't know you could go back on bed rest after HAVING the baby! I'm both shocked and amazed. I don't know how you do it with 5 children. I hope you get well soon.

  2. oh mama... take care of you. i'm sure you're sick of hearing that. i hope you're much better soon.

  3. I really, really hope you'll get well really soon. Praying. Tone

  4. Goodness! I hope everything gets better soon. Hope you have people to help too! Wish I could bring you a dinner or chocolate bar. :)

  5. Oh that's scary, Shannon! I'm so glad that you're being monitored and that your midwife is looking out for you. I hope it resolves itself really quickly, but if it doesn't, I've been in touch with some people who managed to treat their PP hypertension using mostly minerals (potassium salt seems to be the biggie). Or hey, use the trick that worked for me: get laid off! Kidding: I don't think it's a universally applicable treatment. :)

  6. thanks gals! we're getting there...fortunately i do have an awesome support system.
    although...jess, i'm pretty sure you can mail chocolate ;o)


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.