
Monday, May 23, 2011

it's {past} my due date and i'll cry if i want to

still sportin' the bump.

still cranky.

my days consist of sleeping, eating, and checking the TP for any "signs". it's a thrilling life.

i can not believe i made it this far...


  1. Be cranky all you want! With my last baby I was a week overdue. It was awful! And the worst part...he went from being a baby born in July, to being born in a whole 'nother month! Hang in there, it won't be long and really, enjoy the quiet days before the storm!

  2. Shannon, I'm so sorry! It's so hard...but before you know it, it will all seem like a very bad dream. Of course, you know that and it's probably not much consolation!! :) So, in the meantime, we'll just keep you in our prayers. Can't wait to see that new little bundle! You and your husband have such great genetics--all you babies are adorable!

  3. thinking of you often - and often checking your blog to see if anything has happened. Tone

  4. Holy cow!! It's got to be any minute yet! I'm crossing my fingers for ya! Tomorrow seems like a good day don't you think? Good luck! Jenn

  5. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I didn't make it past 35 weeks with either of mine - which was nearly 2 weeks before my due date both times.

  6. Nuts to that. Come on out, Five! It's lovely out here and your Mommy is crafty and will make you cool stuff!

    I have no idea if it helped, but I ate like a whole fresh pineapple (big delicious pieces of it dipped in chocolate dip!) the afternoon before I went into labour. It's supposed to help with cervical ripening.

    I hope you get to meet her soon!

  7. Oh my gosh! Come one, girl! Get outta there!

  8. Whoops. That should say Come ON girl... I know you'd never forgive me if I didn't correct myself...

  9. I can't tell you how often I've thought of you lately and hoped you're finally holding that baby in your arms! Hopefully soon!

  10. I was wondering what was going on over there..."get busy" girl!!! It worked for me, I went 2 weeks early (and it was my first child).


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