
Friday, April 22, 2011

take your protein pills and put your helmet on

this is it.

t minus 30 days.

i'm so close i can feel it.
no, really--i can literally FEEL it.

in every move i make it feels like this child is ready to...ahem...fall out.

fortunately i'm moving a touch easier these days. i had lots of concerned messages...and i want to give everyone an update.
i did a number of sessions with the physical therapist.

the "AHA" moment was when i said to her "i feel like i want someone to grab me by the head and feet and yank."

she said "can you lay flat for a bit?"
then we tried this..

okay, so it wasn't actually the rack. but it was similar. and ya know what? it helped. (those medieval guys were totally whiners. to me--that looks like the best.thing.ever.)
i don't know what it was--maybe it was the baby pressing on some nerve. and maybe pulling me apart a couple times like that jiggled something to move.
whatevs. all i know is i went from excrutiating pain on a constant basis back down to threat level yellow.
(whoa...astronaut mixed with medieval and a little government all mixed in today. keep up with my metaphors people--they move quick)
so thank you for all your well-wishes and concern. i really really appreciate it. more than i can express.
meanwhile i think we're finally beginning to realize that we're going to have a new baby in this house--sooner rather than later. it's probably time to start making some preparations.
if i can say this without jinxing myself--i really don't feel like it's going to be another 30 days. i'm having some serious contractions on a pretty regular basis.  this baby feels HUGE--she IS huge. huge enough that my midwife sent me for another ultrasound.
the verdict? "she's big, but probably your normal." thanks. what that really meant: "yes, you're going to be pushing another giant baby out of your nether regions. maybe next time you won't pick a 6'4" man to marry and father your babies."
so i'm trying to get know, just without actually moving. thank goodness for and the internet. :o)
with a few clicks we had boxes of diapers and wipes and nursing pads and butt is good ya'll.
the car seat and tiny girl clothes have come down from the attic.
when they'll get washed?

well...i still have 30 days. no rush.


  1. It's great that you are feeling so much better! Hooray for physios: they are da awesome.

    I'm in exactly the same situation with our baby! I'll be 40 weeks on the 25th of May though I will be utterly shocked if I go that long, and yeah: we are not exactly ready. Parts of the apartment are clean and tidy and others are cluttered and piled with random stuff. I consider it a personal victory that we at least have a carseat. Of course, it's sitting in our living room, not installed in the car, and since DH is as tall as he is, guess who needs to do it? Oy.

    Much luck to you, momma: keep us posted!

  2. I'm so glad to hear there's been improvement! :) Thanks for the update!


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.