
Monday, March 7, 2011

what’s the buzz?

tell me what’s a-happenin’

this weekend’s project…

a sewing s.o.s. from an IRL BFF. (oh yeah, i went there. i might secretly be 14. whatevs. newayz don’t h8 bcoz ur jealous!!)


so, her daughter was asked to be part of a little bible play depicting the crossing of the red sea, and needed a costume. but momma doesn’t sew or even have a machine—can you believe that!!?!?!


okay, so not everyone sews. but i was happy to come to her rescue. she’s mishpocheh. and fortunately--since she lives halfway across the country from me--my tiny tim is very close in size to her daughter. this is what i came up with:


sure—maybe it’s a little more colorful than what your average isrealite meidl would sport. but hey, joseph had his amazing technicolor dreamcoat, right? no? eh?


a “skin” water bottle

well, we’ll call it artistic license. or stage wear. (and i am officially out of biblical-themed broadway show references. i think. my yiddish-english dictionary is still going strong however.)


i actually think it came out really cute. all the fabric came from my stash at home and odds and ends from work—total cost $0. what can i say? i’m a mentsh. a baleboste, if you will. (ugh. so schmaltzy.)


an easy velcro closure on the back of the dress, and a velcro tab closes the headband. the sash simply ties in the back.

this little outfit is being packed up and mailed off today, so she’ll have it in time. enjoy miss n.—and break a leg!

**for some fun yiddish-english translations i recommend this site. the colorful language and sayings will have you laughing out loud. such a way with words they have! although i’m many generations removed…as my mother and i always say—the jew is strong within you. (like the force. only with more nosh.) and sprinkling your everyday speech with some nice yiddish phrases will have all your friends jealous! okay, maybe not. but know that what soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul :o)


  1. wow Im so impressed! You did a fantastic job! I LOVE to colors you used, and the "skin" water jug! So clever. And is that your daughter modeling the costume? She is gorgeous!

    I wish I could sew and create fun things.. but im still stuck in the stone age... or what ever.. I can sew by hand but thats it! :( LOL

    Oh btw I featured your mustache shirt on my blog last thursday.. I dont remember if I let you know or not! :) You can check it out here:

  2. thanks! yup, that's my middle gal. she's alright ;o) hehe
    i'm jealous of people who can sew by hand. i lack the patience...and truthfully, the skill too. my hand sewing is pretty sad.
    and thanks for the feature!

  3. You are so funny with the yiddish thrown in! I haven't heard yiddish since The Nanny went off the air. I need to check out the link!

    I think the costume is PRECIOUS! I love the skin water bottle. Very cool!

  4. Oy, meshugganah!
    That is one cute little Israelite. :) I might actually steal your pattern for my girls for Purim next weekend!


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.