
Monday, March 28, 2011

mirror mirror on the wall…

today is the official start of the 7th round of So You Think You’re Crafty. we had to send in our “bio”, our blog button…a bunch of things. apparently i missed one.

if you check out the “meet the crafters” page, there’s everyone’s photo and name.
everyone’s photo…but mine, that is.

i have no trouble with the written word—i churned out my bio and interview no sweat. but a photo? well, i’m much more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it.

so i tried to take the easy way out—i searched my hard drive for a fairly recent pic i could send. you know, preferably one where i looked thin and gorgeous, perfect hair and makeup.

would you believe i couldn’t find one? not a one.

and then it was the deadline, and i forgot i hadn’t yet solved the picture problem so i sent off what i had.

and now, i’m the mystery contestant.

so i figured today i better just suck it up. take a picture of yourself already, and stop being so dramatic. because honestly, i think it does add something to a blog. when i stumble across a new blog i like—i want to see you. i want to know how old you are, how many kids you have, and what you look like. it adds something. so i have to assume others feel this way too (and i’m not just a creepy stalker.)

i put “wonder pets” on for little bear and got to work.
i applied enough makeup to make a drag queen blush. i curled (just the front of) my hair. and i pulled out a black (basically clean) shirt—cause everyone knows black makes you look thinner—even if you’re 27 months pregnant.

then a sat my big butt in front of the door and started snapping…

it really didn’t start off too bad.




what is that under my eye???

okay, makeup touchup…
maybe something a little more “art-sy”?

IMG_4758_4433 IMG_4756_4431

looking down? 


ahhh!! too many chins!
a smile?


gah! the chins again! NO!


maybe from below?


AHHH!! more chins!!! NONONONO!!!!
then i got a little crazy…




a face only a mother could love.


yeah, i’m no pin-up. and for some reason, in this shot all i can see is my dad.


who wants to see up my nose? (and lest anyone ever doubt if my red hair is natural…do you see the freckles? on my eyelids, my nose, my lips…EVERYWHERE)

and as further proof, i present to you—my hairline.


okay, this is fun and all. but without further ado, here it is—the winning shot:


and, with a little (ahem) photoshop magic…

IMG_4763_4438 copy 

i’m ready for my close-up mr. de mille.

and just to brighten your day a little further, i did briefly consider a more full-body shot.
you ready for this? prepare yourself…


this is me, in all my maternity glory.

why not head on over to So You Think You’re Crafty and check out Week 1—Dollar Store Crafts!


  1. lol! you're beautiful.

    and. the face that only a mother could love? that's my favourite. you didn't say it had to be your mother right? really, i can hear your goofy personality come through that one.

    good luck with the thingy!

  2. I was going to say that you LOOK JUST LIKE YOUR DAD in that pic! and then I read below and saw that you wrote the same. I never saw that before. And you are beautiful!

  3. You are so beautiful! You have such gorgeous hair and eyes! And pregnancy always adds a special glow, definitely... If the photos are any indication, you seem to be feeling better? :)

  4. lol! love the commentary and ending pic looks awesome!

  5. haha! you guys are too funny! thanks so much for all the sweet words...balm to a pregnant lady's stretch marks...err, i mean, soul. :o)

    now stop chit-chatting and go vote for my, um, "thingy".

  6. WOW that's a lot of googie to scroll through on a monday morning just to get down to the comment box ;) i wanted to say if you felt your ears burning this morning, it's not yet-another pregnancy symptom. i was just talking about you that is all.

    also. i have clicked through to the sytycc site and i'm so confused. what do i click to vote for you? will you get disqualified if you give me the direct link? because i'll do it. because you CAN craft, like, crazy. but manalive i can't figure out where or how to vote.


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.