
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

scrapbooks and parties and whoo-whoos, oh my!

welcome to day 2 of


sorry for the lateness of this post...there was a bit of a sewing emergency this morning.
yes, it is possible to have a "sewing emergency"...when your business is making furniture and a huge leather sectional is going out in the morning and the cushions need to be finished and your sewer calls out of work...
that, my friends, is a sewing emergency.
who gets called?

me--the stand-in sewer. the "in case of emergency break glass" sewer.

sometimes i even wear a cape.

today i'm going to share other's owl-y projects.

first, an adorable owl scrapbook page. this comes courtesy of my DEVOTED reader...okay...and cousin, gessika:


how cute! i'm not a scrapbooker...mainly because i seriously DO
NOT need another hobby. but i can definitely appreciate the work that goes into a good scrapbook :o)

now here's something i'm almost tempted to hide from my girls...because as SOON as they see it they're not going to let me rest until we do it!

it's a "night owl" party done by anj @ snowybliss.

every single thing was unbelievably adorable--from the decor...

(she DREW the headboard, footboard and pillows on white cardboard to make their table look like a bed!) the 'favors' (although, in my opinion these are much more than mere 'favors'!)

she made a felt owl for each little girl at the party--and each owl had a distinct "personality", which she details in her post.

even the cake was incredible!

there are tons more pictures and details on her blog--you seriously HAVE to jump over and check it out!

okay, whooo am i kidding? i want to do the party as bad as my girls... :o)

she credits the original idea to a hostess with the mostess post--also an adorable "night owl" party.
it even featured a "night owl clubhouse" for all the girls to hang in!


again, you've got to jump over there to check out all the adorable detail that went into the party.

so that's it for today...
i've got a couple more owl things to round out the week! come back tomorrow for the "whoo-whoo" dress!



  1. awww..thanks for posting my layout on your blog! and I love, love, love that night owl party!!

  2. Thanks bunches for featuring my party!!!! You are too sweet!


drop me a line. please? don't make me's not pretty.