
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

potty talk

just dropping in to say…

i haven’t “worshipped” here:



yeah, baby.

whereas little bear—she’s on it like a champ. we’ve basically given up diapers (except for bedtime).

she took to the potty thing like a fish to water…or a kitty to a litter box…or a puppy to one of those weird infomercial fake grass things.


srsly? “indoor washroom for dogs?”

now the cavities we’re going to be dealing with from all the candy rewards she’s gotten in the last week…well, that’s another story.

**do you know how hard it was to come up with a funny/vague way of saying that that couldn’t be completely misconstrued into something way dirty? yeah. hard.


1 comment:

  1. First of all, YAY for PINK!! :) & Poor Little Man... That's gotta be tough. When I was pregnant with Eli, we brought Abbey to THE ultrasound, and after we all saw, without a doubt, the outdoor plumbing, she started crying, "I don't want a baby brother!!!!" So, yeah, I feel your pain...

    And, YAY for potty training!! :)

    Loved the Valentine dresses you made, too, btw!! :)


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